Friday, July 9, 2010

A bit of...

Oh my goodness I thought Friday would NEVER get here!
Is it just me, or do the short weeks seem to drag out longer?
Hope you're all gearing up for a
 restful and relaxing weekend
full of fun in the sun!!
 Charlie and I are headed to our lovely state's capital
for an Eric Hutchinson concert
and hopefully an adventure or two!

Here are a few reasons to be happy today!
-in no specific order-
1. morning workouts.
2. the fact that the week over.
3. text messages from long distance friends.
4. the sun is finally shinning.
5. 8 hours of sleep.
6. old photos from 18 years ago.
7. homemade smoothies.
8. writing thank you notes.
9. my husband's silliness.
10. kisses.


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