Thursday, December 25, 2008

Amazing Love

We are so blessed. As I stood with my dad in front of our Christmas tree looking at all the presents, I couldn't help but feel thankful...and that's just the "stuff". God truly has made our cup run over with blessings. I remember learning in youth group that the word bless actually means "to embrace". God literally has embraced us with His love this Christmas. Here are a few blessings that come to mind:
Jesus' Birth
His forgiveness
Our wonderful jobs
Our comfortable home
Food to spare
Our cars
Days off from work to recoup
And there are so many other parts of my life that I could sing praise over but all of the above would be different if Jesus hadn't come into the world. He was born to die for us. His sacrifice means I receive the free gift of his love. I randomly found this picture and think it captures the spirit of Christmas very well.

"I'm forgiven because you were forsaken
I'm accepted, he was condemned.
I'm alive and well your spirit lives within me because you died and rose again.
Amazing love how can it be
that you my king would die for me
Amazing love I know it's true
and it's my joy to honor you
in all I do I honor you"
I pray this Christmas would be a new start to honoring Christ with every aspect of my life. I'm no where near perfect and have made plenty of mistakes but Christ loves as we are...warts and all. Merry Christmas and lots of love,

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sunday Night Lights

Charlie and I were able to spend the weekend in Mt. Pleasant with Mrs. Lloyd on her 50th birthday day!

Yep...that's my sweetheart

Stopping for a sweet picture outside the AAC after the Mav's whipped up on the OKC Thunder.

Charlie, Jeremy, Kyle and me after the Mav's game. Fun times with fun friends!

Enjoying the game from some nice lower level seats. Go Dallas!

Sarah B. Concert @ House of B.

Although this concert was back in October, we had a wonderful time singing Love Song with Sarah B. at Houston's new House of Blues!
Another cool band played that night called Raining Jane. They sang this adorable song called "Paper Cut"...
"start again lets pretend none of that happened
what do you think maybe we should drink to the two of us, here's to the two of us,
so we hold each other tightly and keep each other warm
you and me this could be miraculous, sweetly ridiculous
lets take our time no need to rush
hand in hand is just enough in a tent under the moon
crickets swoon as we sing along stars they shine so brightly
as we lay side by side feeling pretty lucky..."

It was a wonderful time with the girls and I'm so excited for future concerts at HOB!