Sunday, September 30, 2007
Saturday, September 29, 2007
M.P. Road Trip
"My romance doesn't have to have a moon in the sky
My romance doesn't need a blue lagoon standing by
No month of May
No twinkling stars
No hideaway
No soft guitars
...My romance doesn't need a thing but you!"
~My Romance by: Rodgers and Hart
Your typical creepy Carney guy
An optimistic bank :)Cat "putted"
that's the Fontenot word for farted
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Home Sweet Home
Our bedroom, done out in big WHOOP there ;)
Our colorful kitchen, complete with fun plants from Charlie's mama!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Friday, September 21, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Time of our Lives

We're married!!!

My wonderful parents! My mom looked so pretty in pink

Obviously not at the wedding, but this was a special requestA Cajun girl through and through

Father/Daughter Dance

First dance as husband and wife!
Yum-o cakes!

I felt bad slicing into them...they were so pretty!

some more tears...
Dads gotta eat too!

Sweet moment captured!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007
We've got the lovin'
The 3rd day of our trip we went on a day long tour of the island with our guide, Peter. Here we are at a banana plantation, which is the main export of St. Lucia. Peter kindly reassured us that there weren't any snakes in this particular field...RIGHT. We also learned that the boa constrictors are not indigenous to the island, they were brought over from India to keep the slaves on their toes while they worked...yikes!
Luckily he was right and this big guy was being shown off on the side of the road by his captor. Willing pedestrians could take their picture for a minimal fee.
Stopping for another "Kodak Moment" at the twin coastal peaks, the Pitons, which towered 2,000 feet above the sea.
A mineral springs waterfall. The water here was SO hot, about 110 degrees!
Eating some "rain forest m&m's" basically the coco plant that chocolate is made from.
The world's only drive-in volcano in the oldest town in St. Lucia, Soufriere. This place smelt sooo bad, hence Soufriere = Smells like sulfur.
"Stinko de mayo"
Getting ready to leave the rain forest, it was so beautiful!

Lots of ping pong was played before our dinners...

We're about to eat a yum-o dinner at the French restaurant, La Toc. Truly the best French food ever!