Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Moses was born to a Hebrew woman, Jochebed, during the rule of cowardly king who demanded all Hebrew boys be put to death when they were born because the Israelites (i.e. Hebrews) were becoming too strong. However, the midwives who delivered Moses "feared God and did not do what the king of Egypt told them to do...Exodus 1:17" And so Moses' mother kept him with her for about 3 months and then when she could hide him no longer, put him in a papyrus basket and placed it among the reeds in the Nile river.
Moses' sister watched as her brother drifted down that powerful river. Through divine providence, Pharoah's daughter was bathing in the Nile with her servants when she heard the baby cry. Overcome by mercy she did nothing to harm him despite her father's wishes. Rather, she sent her servant girl to bring the baby to her. At that moment, Moses' brave sister stepped out of her hiding place and asked Pharoah's daughter if she should find a Hebrew woman to nurse the baby. Pharoah's daughter tells her that she will pay the girl if she does, and the girl goes to get her mother (if you are following this little synopsis, you will realize that this is also the mother of baby Moses). After she has weaned the boy, he is brought back to Pharoah's daughter, who raises him as her son. She names him Moses, which means "drawn out of the water." That is how this baby boy, the Hebrew who should have been killed at birth, becomes royalty.
Moses' mother was a woman of faith and believed in listening to the voice of God. For me this isn't always the easiest voice to hear much less submit to so completely. But this is an image of hope for me; this woman trusting and taking the heavy weight of obedience and and looking forward with trust. Through Moses's life he sought the Lord as a friend, and God spoke to him through many difficult years. The book of Exodus records many of his "wilderness wanderings" with the Israelites, and one of my favorite scriptures comes from Exodus 14:14, where the Israelites are complaining about their journey. Moses says to them, "The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still..."
And I believe the Lord walks beside me, He fights for me and He knows me by name. He loves me, and I love Him. I try to delight myself in Him and I still feel like the desires of my heart have been answered. But here I am. Choosing to worshipping the God who allowed it.
I know. It appears to be an unbalanced courtship.
I am not ashamed to say that I believe in the truth of the Gospel. I believe Christ died for me, that He knows the number of hairs on my head, and that He keeps track of my tears. I believe there was a real man named Moses, and that the Lord really parted the Red Sea. I believe in the scarred hands and feet. I believe in the providence of God, even when it feels contrary to what my heart desires. But the hurt still stings.
But it stung. I am disappointed with God.
Do I praise Him? Yes.
Do I love Him deeply and with abandon? Yes.
Do I trust Him? Yes.
But God isn’t intimidated by my disappointment. It doesn’t make Him turn his face away from me because I wish that things were different sometimes, in fact, it makes Him come nearer.
Friday, July 18, 2008
The Tax Office

As I was leaving the parking lot, I headed over to HEB to return a plastic basket Charlie accidentally brought home a long time ago. It has been sitting in my back seat for nearly a month and we've been using it off and on as a laundry basket; consider for a moment how uncool that really is. But married life has made my life hectic and things like this just don’t seem important....
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
I think back to all the time spent in "The Upper Room" on Wednesday nights at Hearts Afire and Ennie telling us all not to be so hard on ourselves. The saints fell, they made mistakes but only by God's grace were they able to turn those imperfections into praise! After all, I know my worth isn't found in having a perfectly laid out and designed home/life/career.
I know I will constantly have to remind myself that faith in Christ alone grounds my perfection/holiness and through his example I now have a foundation for and the proper motivation to continue on in my Christian journey! Speaking of journeying please keep me in your prayers as I prepare to run my first marathon this coming January for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's (LLS. I am super excited but apprehensive of all the work it will require. Here's a pic. of me gettin' movin' from my "Donation" website.
We are running in honor of Matthew Maultsby and Christine Bencivengo who are battling blood cancers. They may be running the half or full marathon with us depending on how their treatments are going. They are my motivation. If they are able to complete this run then I surely should be able too. But still...keep me in your prayers.
I will leave you with a verse that God has brought to me many times in the last few days, and it has brought me great peace. I hope it does the same for you.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
M.P. and Beyond
How did we do?
I don't think we're quite intense enough
We said hello to Boe and Henrietta
saw a pretty cool and old fire truck some where along the way back to houston
Artsy fartsy shot
We met up with the Lloyd's for a quick "hi/goodbye" on the Lorena exit
So I realize there are a number of liscence plate shots but this one is giving a shout out to SJP!!
Totally worth it :-)
Kati and Adam's Wedding
The beautiful bride to be
Kati's newspaper lingerie made by her sisters in honor of Grandma
The best friend a gal can have
Kati proudly donned her homemade wedding veil like a champ!
"Laugh out loud, it makes life sweeter!"
What's a Lingerie Shower without a little embarrassment?
First Dance
"Now my feet turn the corner back home
Sun turns the evening to rose
Stars turning high up above
You turn me into
You turn me into
You turn me into somebody loved..."
What can I say? We had great inspiration :-)
and bubbles are always a good thing
Fun "get-away"car
The handcuffs are being passed down...
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Let the Tour Begin...
We're still trying to find a place for our crosses. Notice the record player to the far right; we now have a new hobby to go along with the new apartment: collecting records. So far the best record we've got is the soundtrack to Saturday Night Fever
The dining nook/library
Books and food. All I need to live!
The kitchen where we cook it up.
my kitchen stool is invaluable!
I laff...
Last Christmas Uncle Charlie made a funny face while he was driving and it still "haunts" them to this day :-)
Exhibit A
Are we having fun yet?
"You're a booty boy Aunt Kristin"
Bowling for U.S.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Vous et Nul Autre
It's playing cards in bed.
It's laughing hysterically at parts of a movie no one else thinks are funny.
me looking up from my book to see Charlie waving at me from the kitchen.
Its dragging him to one more store looking for the perfect gift.
It's burnt dinner (which he would never complain about), clean laundry (which most likely, he did), and staying up until 3 a.m. watching The Office.
It's telling the truth, even when it hurts.
It's spending your nights in a hospital room holding his hand.
It's ordering take out and singing along to terrible Kansas music.
It's believing what God does with what we give Him is far greater than what we could have done with it ourselves...
Looking at my wedding ring as I type, I remembering the night Charlie proposed to me. I stood in front of him while he opened a ring box and I knew that I loved him more than I ever thought I would love somebody.