Wednesday, July 28, 2010
I'd sure like a tiny teacup fish that lectures me.
Por Favor.
Reminds me of my favorite Dr. Seuss movie
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
words for thought on this Monday

You see, I’m one of those people who lived sensibly and sanely, hour after hour, day after day. Oh, I’ve had my moments, and if I had to do it over again, I’d have more of them. In fact, I’d try to have nothing else. Just moments, one after another, instead of living so many years ahead of each day. I’ve been one of those persons who never goes anywhere without a thermometer, a hot water bottle, a raincoat and a parachute. If I had to do it again, I would travel lighter than I have.
If I had my life to live over, I would start barefoot earlier in the spring and stay that way later in the fall. I would go to more dances. I would ride more merry-go-rounds. I would pick more daisies.”
- Nadine Stair, 85 years old. via.
Friday, July 23, 2010
All Smiles and Dated
Fun Facts about Smiling
happy Saturday!
happy Saturday!
1. When someone smiles it is universally known as an expression of happiness which is recognized by almost all cultures.
2. When a person studies laughter they are known as a ‘gelotologist’.
3. There are over 18 different types of smiles that are used in a variety of social situations. For instance, people can use a smile to say a hello, and they can also use a different type of smile to show their understanding of a particular situation.
4. A frown uses more muscles to contract and expand then a smile does.
5. A smile is one of the most used human facial expressions. Smiles can use between 5 to all 53 muscles.
6. Smiling releases endorphins and makes us feel better, even when you fake a smile you can feel better.
7. A person that smiles more is deemed to be more pleasant, sincere, attractive and more sociable then a non-smiling person.
8. We are born with the ability to smile, it is not something that we copy. For instance, even blind babies are able to smile.
9. Humans are able to differentiate between a real smile and a fake smile by seeing the difference in a persons eyes when they smile.
10. Newborns tend to have more preference for a person with a smile then a person that is not smiling.
"You're never fully dressed without a smile."
- Martin Charnin
"There is no cosmetic for beauty like happiness."
- Maria Mitchell
....and if you just need a reson so smile
check out this cutie patootie
So that's exactly what I'm gonna do today.
I love my husband.
I love my puppy.
I love my outfit.
I love my friends.
I love my car.
I love my life.
I love everything!
Let's see if this works...
- Martin Charnin
"There is no cosmetic for beauty like happiness."
- Maria Mitchell
....and if you just need a reson so smile
check out this cutie patootie
So that's exactly what I'm gonna do today.
I love my husband.
I love my puppy.
I love my outfit.
I love my friends.
I love my car.
I love my life.
I love everything!
Let's see if this works...
Coming up for air
YAY for Fridays*
*at home
Charlie and I realized we have been gone
for 6 of the past 7 weekends.
This is good because we have had so much fun together
but also a little draining.
I'm happy to be in one place this weekend.
I have a few non-important or essential plans to carry out:
Figure out what all the True Blood hype is about.
Try a new recipe.
Fruiti drinks with the girls.
A long stroll with Charlie
Finally get back to my book (How the Light gets In)
Clean this pigpen of an townhouse. Not so fun.
Relax with some vino and a bubble bath
Pray for sun.
Et tu, readers?
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Toby Lovin'
Just a little lovin' from Toby to brighten your Thursday!
10 Reasons Why Toby's got the Lovin'
01. He is a great cuddle buddy
02. He takes naps with me and sleeps right by my side
03. He lets me sleep in most mornings
04. He gives sweet pink kisses
05. He'll go running with me
06. He's always in a good mood
07. He eats just about anything
08. I have never met an animal with more personality
09. He sneezes when he gets excited about something
10. He makes valiant efforts to befriend new animal and people friends
i am in love!
thanks Mairsy for sending the pictures!
"You can pay for school, but you can’t buy class."
Swagga Like Us
~ Jay Z, T.I, Kanye West, Lil Wayne
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Things that make me OH so happy
01. Glee!
02. cuddling with Mr. Toby.
03. when husband gets off work early.
04. antique finds.
05. watching the run rise on a long run.
06. reading a book in the sun.
07. finally hearing a band that you love perform love.
08. seeing movies at the movie theater.
09. taking photos.
10. clipping roses from my rose bush.
11. making a good meal from a cookbook alone.
12. Office marathons with my husband.
13. wearing hats.
14. eating rice crispy treats
15. cupcakes & tea.
16. long, hot baths with magazines & candles.
17. road trips.
18. meeting interesting people.
19. seeing new places.
20. twinkle lights.
21. laying by the pool.
22. sushi.
23. camping & bonfires.
24. Paperback Exchange.
25. we heart it.
26. my sunroof.
27. my family & friends.
28. wearing dresses.
29. potted plants.
02. cuddling with Mr. Toby.
03. when husband gets off work early.
04. antique finds.
05. watching the run rise on a long run.
06. reading a book in the sun.
07. finally hearing a band that you love perform love.
08. seeing movies at the movie theater.
09. taking photos.
10. clipping roses from my rose bush.
11. making a good meal from a cookbook alone.
12. Office marathons with my husband.
13. wearing hats.
14. eating rice crispy treats
15. cupcakes & tea.
16. long, hot baths with magazines & candles.
17. road trips.
18. meeting interesting people.
19. seeing new places.
20. twinkle lights.
21. laying by the pool.
22. sushi.
23. camping & bonfires.
24. Paperback Exchange.
25. we heart it.
26. my sunroof.
27. my family & friends.
28. wearing dresses.
29. potted plants.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Back to the 'ol abode
We made it back from our Colorado adventures
happy and exhausted!
But that didn't stop us from going to see
Inception tonight at Edward's.
The movie was like nothing I have ever seen before.
I actually cried and I'm not a big crier in movies
Here is Mr. Leo in his recent apperance on Rolling Stone mag
On dating: "I had better success meeting girls before Titanic. My interactions with them didn't have all the stigma behind it, not to mention there wasn’t a perception of her talking to me for only one reason."
I actually cried and I'm not a big crier in movies
Here is Mr. Leo in his recent apperance on Rolling Stone mag
On growing up famous: "I was essentially a dwarf with the biggest mouth in the world. I would talk back to anyone and be up for any fight, and when you tell a kid that's three years older than you to shove it, you're going to get your ass beat . . . I was a real punk, there's no question about it."
On partying before there was less privacy: "I got to be wild and nuts, and I didn't suffer as much as people do now, where they have to play it so safe that they ruin their credibility. I didn't care what anyone thought . . . It was also about avoiding the tornado of chaos, of potential downfall. It was, 'Wow, how lucky are we to not have hung out with that crowd or done those things?' My two main competitors in the beginning, the blond-haired kids I went to audition with, one hung himself and the other died of a heroin overdose . . . I was never into drugs at all. There aren't stories of me in a pool of my own vomit in a hotel room on the Hollywood Strip." On dating: "I had better success meeting girls before Titanic. My interactions with them didn't have all the stigma behind it, not to mention there wasn’t a perception of her talking to me for only one reason."
These pictures make me laugh because I am reminded
of my "Boy Binder" I had in middle school filled with photos
of all the gents I had crushes on
i.e. Devon Sawa, Andrew Kurtzman and of course King Leo.
i.e. Devon Sawa, Andrew Kurtzman and of course King Leo.
Looking back I am further convinced that my
husband is surpassingly more hot than any of those guys!
14er - Torrey's Peak
Our last and biggest activity in Colorado
was to climb our first 14er, Mt. Torrey.
The centerpieces of the Colorado Rockies are the 54 peaks over 14,000 feet, or “Fourteeners,” as they are affectionately referred to by climbers.
Length: Approx. 8.5 miles roundtrip
Highlights: 14,000' summits, wildlife, amazing views!
Difficulty Rating: Advanced
Elevation Gain: Approx. 3,000 ft.
The Andersons and their sweet friend Tori
made the ascent with us.
I must say it was pretty cool to stand on snow
in the middle of July.
Thank goodness for their encouraging words
that spurred us on!
Here we are crossing over on the Gray's-Torrey's saddle
Aaahhh, so nice to sit and take a load off and
enjoy our reward...a breathtaking view!
We finally made it to the top in a little of 3 hours.
Their sweet pooch Kona pretty much ran the whole hike.
It was so funny to see the little dogs with their owners
making the climb.
I couldn't help but wonder if Mr. Toby had what it takes
to reach the top!
The weather at the top was so nice that we all
stopped and finished off our snacks.
20 minutes later we were back on the trail and
so glad to be getting to lower altitude.
Despite a touch of altitude sickness for Charlie
the climb was an amazing experience.
But I won't even play....
it nearly killed us!
We are wanderers
Charlie and I gradually made our way to Colorado's state capital
and had the pleasure of walking around their Art Museum.
There are two buildings – one a fortress-like structure from Italian architect Gio Ponti, the other, a structure that resembles a titanium crystal with peaks and shards designed by Daniel Libeskind.
Big Sweep, Denver Art Museum, Denver, Colorado, 2007
A 35-foot high sculpture of a broom and dustpan made of painted metal greets visitors at the base of the “prow” of the new addition to Denver’s Art Museum.
The work, by artists Coosje van Bruggen and Claes Oldenburg, offers a double incongruity.
Art elevates a commonplace household task to monumental civic status here.
“The Yearling” by Donald Lipski
The red chair is 21 feet tall and ten feet wide, and the pinto pony is six feet tall at the ears.
The scale of this work is meant to recall that time in life when even everyday objects seemed monumental.
The “earth” without “art” is just “eh”.
The “earth” without “art” is just “eh”.
We got to see the state capitol which stands exactly 5,280 feet above sea level (one mile high!)
on the west steps.
I love days like this.
Wandering aimlessly is underrated, especially when traveling in new cities.
Throw the plans out the rental car window and just see where the day leads,
You never know where you will end up or what adventure you will find.

I love days like this.
Wandering aimlessly is underrated, especially when traveling in new cities.
Throw the plans out the rental car window and just see where the day leads,
You never know where you will end up or what adventure you will find.
Luckily we got to go white water rafting twice during our time
in Colorado and our great friend Andrew got to share
the exciting experience with us.
Here we are all geared up for the river.
Aren't we two fine specimens of Texas tourists?
The wet suits were SO hot but we were eventually thankful
for them once we got into the river.
The water was super cold and a few of the boats on our
trip got tipped over on one of the rapids.
We had an all star rowing team and non of us went swimming that day!
On our way back to Summer and Andrew's house
we stopped by Red Rocks.
It a geologically formed, open-air Amphitheatre
consisting of two, three hundred-foot monoliths
(Ship Rock and Creation Rock)
The scene is truly incredible and attending a concert
has quickly been added to our bucket list.
I feel like such a I am a very fortunate soul!
Rock Monkies
Charlie and I left Breckenridge
for Vail, CO.
Of course we had to give a little love to
our friend Smokey.
Vail was simply gorgeous!
The petunas were overflowing out of the window boxes....
and Charlie had lots of little shops
around Lion's Head.
We enjoyed taking in the beautiful sites
We made a trip to see where my favorite Sleepy Time tea is brewed
and got to sample lots of yummy teas.
Les met us after she got off of work and took us
for our first outdoor climb!
I finally mastered the "figure 8" knot
We all had fun scrambling up the mountain
It may not look very high but after we hiked for a while
and locked in at 30 feet the view was amazing!
We were all famished after the day's activities
and enjoyed some good grub at Vine Street pub.
I was lucky to sample lots of great teas and beers that day!
As you can see, our weekend was filled with sunny skies and time for walking around.
Yay for good friends and Colorado!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
The River and Mista Moose
What a gorgeous day we had!
Charlie and his grandpa chewed the fat after breakfast...
Then we started the day with
a sweet family pic near the condo
Everyone looked so radiant!
I guess it's hard not to look your best
in such beautiful surroundings.
The activity for the day was white water rafting
about an hour and a half drive from Breckenridge to Buena Vista, CO.
You can double click on any of the pictures to see a bigger version.
We stopped for another fun pic. on the
Continental divide.
Here is a glamour shot of our lovely rental car!
These were all the families getting ready to go rafting.
Aunt Evelyn, Charlie and I are smack dab in the center of all the hubbub
and here are the action shots!
We had a super fun time floating the Arkansas river.
It was a 10 mile float and took about two hours through Brown's Canyon.
Once we got back to the condo we decided the fun for the day couldn't be over
and hiked our way through a few trails/ski slopes.
Along the way, we were surprised by this large fellow.
Mista Moose Mista Moose
(a nod to Beth Moore's blog)
was HUGE and the pictures just do not do him justice.
His antlers were massive and very velvety.
No the encouted did not end like a clip form "Extreme Animal Attacks"
but I had my get away planned just in case!
I topped the night off with a hot tub soak
and a new book I bought for the trip.
It's "How The Light Gets In" and hopefully it will tide me over
until I can get "The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest"...sigh
Ah, well, I am feeling very blessed and thankful for the superb weather
and breath-taking sights!